Clarksville Post Office, 757 E Lewis and Clark Pkwy Ste 814, IN
Zip code — 47129, Clarksville Post Office, 757 E Lewis and Clark Pkwy Ste 814, IN — hours of operation, phone number and location on the map

Clarksville Post Office reviews
The Clarksville Post Office is located in 757 E Lewis and Clark Pkwy Ste 814, IN. Browse this location's operating and mail collection hours along with address and contact information. You can also see all the reviews about Clarksville Post Office. Don't hesitate to call or email for your personal needs - we are here to serve. As users of these services, you are essential to our effective operation. For more information contact us using the Postal Email or call: +1 8122831396
Last collection times: Mon 4:30 p.m. Tue 4:30 p.m. Wed 4:30 p.m. Thu 4:30 p.m. Fri 4:30 p.m. Sat 4:30 a.m. Sun Post Office Closed | Lobby hours: Mon 24 hr Tue 24 hr Wed 24 hr Thu 24 hr Fri 24 hr Sat 24 hr Sun 24 hr Retail hours: Mon 9:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Tue 9:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Wed 9:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Thu 9:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Fri 9:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Sat 10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. Sun Not working |
Find the Clarksville Post Office, 757 E Lewis and Clark Pkwy Ste 814, IN on the map
GPS location: lat 38.313624599999997, lon -85.762925999999993
See other Post offices: Indiana | Clarksville
This site provides postal information through Current Postal Tips to help you get the most from your mail service organization.
Please leave your feedback about Clarksville Post Office, 757 E Lewis and Clark Pkwy Ste 814, IN
The Clarksville Post Office, 757 E Lewis and Clark Pkwy Ste 814, IN rating
Maria luna
℅ Victoria Krelic
1955 Scenic Ave
Central Point, OR 9750
[email protected]
April 22th, 2022
Lewis & clark Admissions
Lewis & clark 555
123 Address St
Anytown, ST 12345
Dear, Lewis & Clark,
I am a 6th grader at scenic middle school in central point Oregon. While conducting a research assignment about a career in art therapy I learned that your college offers a program for it. I researched your school and saw that the official website gives a lot of information. The information regards tuition class sizes and out of state/in state cost. were helpful in allowing me to see how much the school cost. I would like to learn more about the programs tied to the art therapist career.
I request that you send me the detailed information for the courses as these details were not available on the website. Additionally, is it possible to receive information about the best ways to be accepted by Lewis and Clark when I apply in the future.
You can send me the information to my school’s address of Care of: Victoria Krelic 1955 Scenic Ave. Central Point, OR 97502. This will be very helpful and will help me begin to get ready for the future.
Maria Luna