1. Helene

    Inconsistent delivery of mail not acceptable, especially weekly food adds, bills, etc. I am an 80+ elderly woman with a handicap and rely on someone to do my grocery shopping. While it may seem unimportant mail to carrier, he/she is being paid to deliver all mail and not their prerogative to decide what matters or be selective and choose what mail needs delivered. Where is the manager or supervisor at post office 15210?? Maybe he/she needs to get busy and do the job he/she is being paid for. I have not received food adds for the entire month of April, why? Hopefully, someone will find time to answer my request and send me an email with the reasons for such total disregard for postal customers. Phone calls are useless as calls are rarely if ever answered.

  2. Helene

    Another day with no mail delivery again— no food adds, bills etc. Something needs done at Mt. Oliver Post Office. Zip code 15210. Maybe it isn’t the carriers but the non chalant attitude of the supervisor/ manager who just does’t care what carriers don’t deliver. Doesn’t effect him/ her in the least or any way. Everyone is getting paid for mail delivery, even if isn’t being done. . Why should carriers care if management doesn’t or check what is returned in truck that should have been delivered!!!!!!!! Have lived here many, many years and inconsistent and unreliable mail delivery is becoming more and more frequent. Maybe, I should send an e-mail about this to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, and when it is published, I bet all involved will finally do the job they are being paid to do and DO IT RIGHT. No wonder the USPS is in jeopardy!!!!

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